Baltic German interwar archives

Timo Aava: “The STSM at the Herder Institute in Marburg enabled me to closely study primary archival sources on the Baltic German minority activists from interwar Estonia who were the main advocates of cultural autonomy legislation. These sources are crucial for my dissertation project. In addition, I managed to collect and read research literature for my topic. Inspiring research environment at the Institute enabled me both to communicate with other researchers and to focus on my own research.”

STSM title: STSM on Baltic German sources at the Herder Institute in Marburg
STSM start and end date: 27/01/2020 to 29/02/2020
Grantee name: Timo Aava (University of Wien – Vienna, Austria)
Host institution: Herder-Institut für Historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung (Marburg, Germany)