New Challenges for Borderlands Studies: Regional, European and Global Perspectives

ITC Grant Title: Ethnic exogamy in the light of statistics – a case study of Vojvodina (Serbia)
Conference start and end date: 18/05/2023 to 20/05/2023
Grantee name: Karolina Lendák-Kabók
Conference: ASN New York

The presentation of the accepted contribution at the ASN Convention in New York proved to be a transformative experience for the grantee, enhancing their visibility as an early career scholar and facilitating valuable connections for future collaborations. The research focused on statistical data regarding intermarriages, shedding light on ethnic minority issues. This abstract outlines the outcome of the presentation in terms of visibility gained and the establishment of new contacts, particularly with scholars from Hungary and the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region, as well as Austria.