The Moravian compromise as a first comprehensive attempt to implement non-territorial autonomy in Cisleithania

STSM title: The Moravian compromise as a first comprehensive attempt to implement non-territorial autonomy in Cisleithania
STSM start and end date: 13/08/2022 to 03/09/2022
Grantee name: Pavel Kladiwa
Host institution: University of Vienna, Department for East European History
Home institution: University of Ostrava

Description of the work carried out during the grant:

I visited five times the Austrian State Archives, where I studied the boxes from the collections “Administrative Court of Justice” and “Ministry of Cult and Education”. I also visited four times the Austrian National Library (Augustiner Lesesaal), where I studied the correspondence of one of the leading personalities of German-Moravian politics, Josef Redlich. The remaining days I spent at the host institution (Vienna University, Institute for the History of Eastern Europe), where I got the desk including PC, monitor and printer. So I had a perfect spot for writing. Due to a multi-space character of the room, I have very good possibility to get in touch with team members. At the team meeting (31.09.22) I presented our Moravian project and discussed more details with ERC team members during the discussion lasted for more than one hour. I believe that I am fully in accordance with the original plan. I wanted to meet Börries Kuzmany personally, the holder of the ERC-Projekt “Non-Territorial Autonomy. History of a Travelling Idea”, and his team as well. The Moravian compromise is a typical example of non-territorial (personal) autonomy, so both projects concern similar topics, both have more points of contact. The second main purpose was that I wanted to use the stay in Vienna for finishing the archival research in the Austrian State Archive (Allgemeines Verwaltungsarchiv) and in the Austrian National Library that we need for our now completed monograph about Moravian Compromise. I did all of that

Description of the main results obtained:

I made good contacts with Börries Kuzmany, Oskar Mulej and others, very good experts on topics of my interests. I will use some of their remarks and impulses in my monograph. I believe I will use these contacts for the future, for my next projects.

I completed my elaborated study “The Fight for Children. Volksschulen in Moravia in the Time of the Ethnization of Politics and Law” and submitted it for the journal Bohemia published by Collegium Carolinum in Munich. I prepared and submitted my paper “National Indifference Versus the Pressure of Nationalism? The Moravian Society Before and After the Approval of NTA” for the conference „The Theory and Practice of Non-Territorial Autonomy in Europe – A Historical Perspective“ organized by

ENTAN and University of Vienna from 15.-17. September 2022. And finally, I completed last needed things (due to study of archival sources and the Redlich correspondence) for our monograph “The Czech-German Compromise in Moravia at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Cisleithanian Laboratory for the Nationalization of Politics and Law” (will be published in Germany in 2023).