Virtual Mobility Grant

Grantee Name: Marina Andeva
Grant Title: NTA Textbook Development
Home Institution: NTA Textbook Development
Grant period: 01/07/2022 – 01/09/2022


Marina Andeva:

During the VM several activities carried out in line with the objectives of the virtual mobility:

1. A set of Guidelines for authors was developed during the course of July; The guidelines were revised and approved by the members of the Editorial Board.

2. A specific formatting and structure of each chapter and of the whole textbook was developed during the course of July. The formatting style and the structure of each chapter as well as the structure of the whole textbook was revised and approved by the members of the Editorial Board.

3. A constant interaction with the authors was carried out during the whole duration of the virtual mobility.

Since the main objective of the VM was to contribute to the work of ENTAN WG4 (responsible for NTA Syllabus and NTA Textbook delivery), during the VM the important initial steps in the process of delivering the NTA Textbook were carried out. Clear guidelines, interaction with authors, setting specific deadlines and planning of the future steps. In this regards, following the set deadline of delivering the first versions of the chapters, a review process will follow, supported by the VM grantee all the way until the delivery of the final textbook. During the course of October, a specific in-person workshop with the authors of the individual chapters will be organized. During the same month, the revision and review of the received chapters’ text will follow. Consequently, the editorial board will assume the responsibility of delivering the final textbook within the course of November or December the latest.