Non-Territorial Minority Autonomy in Slovenia: A Channel for Effective Minority Participation?

STSM title: Non-territorial Minority Autonomy in Slovenia: A Channel for Effective Minority Participation?
STSM start and end date: 1/9/2021 to 30/9/2021
Grantee name: Ljubica Djordjević (European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany)
Host institution: Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubica Djordjević: “The core outcome and the benefit of my STSM are the 23 interviews with the representatives of the Italian and Hungarian minorities, through which I obtained valuable information about the everyday functioning of the self-governing national communities in Slovenia. Furthermore, these interviews helped me to test the developed set of indicators, with the main finding being that the five clusters are well-designed, whereas individual indicators in each of these clusters need to be fine-tuned depending on the specific circumstances of the case-study and the institutional setup. Through the STSM I have established valuable contacts not only with the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana, on which we aim to develop further cooperation, but also with various minority institutions in Slovenia, which could be involved in some future ECMI project activities in other parts of Europe (exchange of best practices, per-to-peer exchange, etc.). My biggest thanks go to Professor Miran Komac, Lara Sorgo, Dr. Attila Kovacs, and last but not least, Professor Sonja Novak-Lukanovič, together with all extraordinary kind and helpful interviewees, who made my STSM not only a professional success, but also a time to remember.”