Russian Refugee Legal Scholars and Their Projects of Non-Territorial Autonomy

STSM title: Russian Refugee Legal Scholars and Their Projects of Non-Territorial Autonomy
STSM start and end date: 25/8/2021 to 24/9/2021
Grantee name: Tatiana Khripachenko (Portucalense Institute for Legal Research, Porto, Portugal)
Host institution: University of Vienna, Austria

Tatiana Khripachenko: “I am studying interwar plans for non-territorial autonomy proposed by Russian refugee international lawyers. With ENTAN STSM I spent one month at the University of Vienna cooperating with the team of ERC NTAutonomy project. This was a fascinating experience offering lots of insights and new discoveries. I enjoyed our intellectual exchange during the team meetings and thought provoking conversations with colleagues. This is a great and very professional team. I am very grateful to them and ENTAN for making my stay possible.”