ITC Grant Title: Ethnic exogamy in the light of statistics – a case study of Vojvodina (Serbia)
Conference start and end date: 18/05/2023 to 20/05/2023
Grantee name: Karolina Lendák-Kabók
Conference: ASN New York
ITC Grant Title: Comparison of approaches of Polish minority in Czechia and German minority in Poland to the non-territorial autonomy with the special focus on education
Conference start and end date: 08/09/2021 to 10/09/2021
Grantee name: Hynek Böhm
Conference: New Challenges for Borderlands Studies: Regional, European and Global Perspectives
Grantee Name: Natalija Shikova
Conference Title: International Balkan University
Home Institution: University of Glasgow
Grant period: 03/04/2023 – 30/04/2023
STSM Title: The role of diasporas in the development of minority identities in stateless nations in Western and Eastern Europe
Home Institution: European Centre for Minority Issues
Host Institution: Glasgow University
Grantee Name: Facundo Reyna-Muniain
Grant period: 10/06/2023 – 20/06/2023
Grantee Name: Noemia Bessa Vilela
Home Institution: Inštitut pravnih znanosti, raziskave in razvoj na področju prava, Maribor
Host Institution: Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Grant period: 21/04/2023 – 07/05/2023
Grantee Name: Ali Erken
Home Institution: Marmara University
Host Institution: International Balkan University
Grantee Name: Ali Erken
Grant period: 15/03/2023 – 25/03/2023
Grantee Name: Marina Andeva
Grant Title: NTA Bibliography Database
Grant period: 15/03/2023 – 15/07/2023
Home Institution: University American College Skopje
Grant period: 15/03/2023 to 15/07/2023
STSM start and end date: 17/05/2023 to 20/06/2023
Grantee name: Ágoston István Berecz, Phd
Host institution: Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Home institution:Pasts, Inc, Budapest, Hungary
STSM start and end date: 05/06/2023 to 04/06/2023
Grantee name: Ognen Vangelov
Host institution:Queen’s University-Belfast
Home institution:University American College-Skopje
STSM start and end date: 04/06/2023 to 09/06/2023
Grantee name: Reina S Shehi
Host institution:Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubjana
Home institution:Department of Political Sciences and International Relations, Epoka University
STSM title: Minority Rights in Georgia Compared to EU Norms. A Comparative Analysis with Romania, a Model of Good Practices in Minority Rights in EU
STSM start and end date: 10/06/2023 to 20/06/2023
Grantee name: Natavan Alieva
Home institution: International Black Sea University
Host institution: Romanian Centre for Russian Studies within the University of Bucharest
STSM title: The NTA Model’s Capacity of Including the Rights of Minorities through the Private Sector
STSM start and end date: 12/06/2023 to 17/06/2023
Grantee name: Nikola Dacev
Host institution: Institute for Social Sciences “Ivo Pillar”
Home institution: International Balkan University
STSM title: Non-Territorial Arrangements and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict BiH
STSM start and end date: 05/06/2023 to 09/06/2023
Grantee name: Jubjana Vila
Grant Period 05/06.2023 to 09/06/2023
Host institution: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
Home institution: Epoka University
STSM title: The Trap of Non-territoriality in East Central Europe:
Polish National Autonomy in Revolutionary Ukraine (1917-1921)
STSM start and end date: 04/05/2023 to 28/05/2023
Grantee name: Gennadii Korolov
Grant Period: 04/05/2023 to 28/05/2023
Host institution: Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Home institution: University of Vienna
ENTAN Forum: Non-Territorial Autonomy From Concept to Policy
Zürich 24May 2023